This week Whitney of What's Left on the Table? chose the recipe and I'm starting to wonder how much butter I've been using lately !!! For us they were way too much ! I'm glad there are a few under 20 in our building who made the bars disappear in a few hours !!
We don't have the Toffee Bits so I made the English Toffee a few days ago. I had to make 2 batches because the fist one crystallized so...after desperation I found a nice website and the second batch came out well (I guess because I've never tried the real thing ). What helped was a bit of corn syrup and a low temperature.
Making the pastry base was easy (did you take the pastry out of the pan before putting the chocolate on ? I didn't) but my special feature was shaving the chocolate with my Kitchen Aid 'grater' so that I only had to evenly spoon it on skipping the spreading part.
I hope that your fitness allowed you to eat a whole batch of these sonful bars !!
Please visit Tuesdays with Dorie to see lots of bars !