In my late craziness for starters I'm trying to convert every recipe from commercial yeast to starter. And I found a famous and very nice Italian Blogger calling for such recipes.
The recipe I'm making lately everytime I bake pizza at home is this focaccia, I saw it once on TV and fell in love with it ! Actually the first reason I liked it was because the organic vegetable pack we buy every week has lots of curly endive and I didn't have any recipe left for it but now we are hoocked !!

Focaccia Messinese
200 gr bread flour
200 gr semolina flour
200 gr starter
250 gr water (about)
Knead and let double in a warm spot.
Roll (or flatten it) in a oiled baking sheet.
Turn on the oven.
Then add little pieces of anchovies, cover totally with very thin layers of cheese (fresh caciotta) , lots of curly endive (rinsed and chopped), and top wit chopped fresh tomatoes. Sprinkle some olive oil and salt (depending on how many anchivies you used) and bake in a 400 oven until done. As you can see last time I added some boiled potatoes left from potato pizza.
Ho visto questa focaccia da qualche parte in TV e me ne sono innamorata ..รจ squisita !!
Focaccia messinese
200 gr Manitoba
200 gr farina di semola rimacinata
200 gr pasta madre
250 gr acqua (circa)
Impastare far raddoppiare e stendere in una teglia
Accendere il forno a 250°.
Aggiungere dei pezzettini di alici sott'olio, coprire interamente con sottili fette di caciotta fresca, coprire abbondantemente con indivia riccia lavata e tagliata e spargere dei pomodorini tagliati. Sale e olio a piacere e infornare.