Well as you might imagine this was very hard to bear !! My colomba was beautiful and after five minutes it just went down!!
I was baking colomba with a group of great bakers :
Rosa and
As you can see something went wrong but the flavour was still great ! And I'm happy when finnicky Carlo tells me : 'Mum you made the best colomba ever ! ' even if I have never seen an ugliest one in my life !!
I'm kneading a new batch as I think that what went wrong was the size of the molds (being too small) . If that's not the reason I'll start a business of croocked colombas !
Please check the happy Easter Logo on the top right to find out about more colombas to come !!
Natalia...succede anche a me alle volte, e mi dicono che è perchè non è cotta abbastanza...ma a dirti il vero poi quando la mangi è buona e cotta...e allora?
l'anno scorso ho provato a metterle a testa in giù ma non avevo risolto molto...cmq, se il sapore e la consistenza erano buoni...una volta tagliata non si vede più che è...assopita!...complimenti!
io mi sento un pochino in colpa perchè non vi avevo detto delle pieghe da fare all'impasto...che non ho fatto neanche io perchè mi sono proprio sfuggite!!!
chiedo venia, bacio!
The same thing happened to me recently when I made a ricotta pound cake - twice it fell in the middle. It tasted great anyway. That's what counts. Buona pasqua.
It wasn't me, no mam, I would not be sitting on your Colomba, I would however be eating it!!
Hope your next one is happier AND tastes good! Those yeasties sometimes just want to poke fun at us.
I bet it tasted good anyway - so sorry it collapsed!
Oh dear, that dove isn't flying very high..;)
Glad to hear it tasted good!
Oh Natalia, I wonder what went wrong, as long as taste good that's all it matter. I thank you for introducing me for this wonderful easter bread, otherwise I would never knew of. It was really fun to bake this together.
It still looks beautiful to me! Your son sounds like gem! What a sweetie. And really, at the end of the day, taste reigns supreme, and this colomba sure looks tasty.
non ho mai fatto la colomba ma siccome e' simile al panettone, penso che il peso dello zucchero e delle mandorle la faccia cadere. Prova a metterla a testa in giu' finche' non si raffredda, come si fa con il panettone.
Sai sicura che non eri te stessa? Forse perchè diventavi stanca di aspettare durante i lievitazioni??? :-)
Ma se Carlo ti da un complimento così sono sicura che era meravigliosa la tua colomba.
È quasi fortunata che non è perfetto... perchè è una scusa valida di fare un altra colomba!
Ma mi piace questa colomba moltissimo!! Bravissima.
in bocca al lupo per la prossima.
L'importante è che sia buona!
baci Cinzia
Your Colomba still looks tasty to me, despite the dent: Yum!!
*lol* I think I just made the ugliest one. The first one didn't rise and this one too much. ;-)
It is so nice... Even if you find it raplapla. And I promise you that it is not me who sat down on it!
Oh No! How frustrating, but I'm sure it's delicious!
How are you - are you ok? I've been watching the news and seeing the earthquake footage and am sending you and your family lots of love!
secondo me è stato cagliostro... =^..^=
It looks delicious! So it took only 5 minutes? Good thing you managed to take a picture before ;)
I bet it tasted good Natalia...sorry to hear it collapsed!
Rosie x
A me mi piace e so che ha un sapore squisito.
Buona pasqua
You poor thing!
Wow these look Great!I will try this soon!! Grazie!
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