This is a special week for us TWDes because Laurie started the group a year ago . Thank you Laurie ! It is such fun to bake with all the others ! Thank you to other TWD members who make baking an occasion of sharing and meeting friends !This special Tuesday the recipe has been chosen by Dorie , thank you for the Pear Tart and much more for writing this cookbook. Thank you all !!
I used cinnamon with the lemon in the poaching syrup and I substituted hazelnuts for almonds. I brought the tart at my mum's because my brother's family came to visit from Perugia and everybody loved it very much !!
Questa settimana è l'anniversario di Tuesday with Dorie e così è stata proprio la mitica Dorie scegliere la ricetta. La torta di pere con crema frangipane è squisita e domani (le scuole ricominciano !!!) vi metterò la ricetta per bene !