This week it was Karen ofSomething Sweet by Karen who picked Applesauce Spice Bars.I made the bars as directed but omitted the nuts that were just too much for me and what can I say ? It was a funny feeling to be baking in this heatand more to be baking something that smelled like Christmas ! The most important thing to say is thatthe bars were really delicious Karen, you made a wonderful choice !
Please visit all the other TWDers who are baking in spite of the heat !
Gattara, restauratrice di tessuti, appassionata di cucina e soprattutto di pasticceria. Un marito dalle mille passioni (ultima la bicicletta) e due fantastici bambini.
Cat lover, textile conservator, I love cooking and even more baking. I'm married to Andrea and have two wonderful kids.