Tuesday, August 5, 2008

TWD...Black and white banana loaf

Well, I think in the last month in spite of the constant heat I've gotten "the baking disease" ... So this afternoon I couldn't wait joining the TWD group just in time to bake before tuesday midnight !
And I made it ! Actually the loaf is still cooling but it is still 7.30 pm ! I'm so bad I still don't know how to make the links .. The recipe can be found in Dorie Greenspan 's book "baking from my home to yours" or on Ashlee's blog A year in the kitchen and you can see the results of all the bakings checking the Tuesdays with Dorie's site.
Now I didn't taste the loaf yet but the smell is great, I didn't use bananas but nashi pears and added a bit of cinnamon to the original recipe.