Dear friends, I spent all day trying to figure out an estimate for a group of liturgical vestments and the muffins really were forgotten somewhere !
But they where certainly enjoied..maybe to much (!)
This week I thank Rebecca of
Ezra Pound Cake who chose the recipe for this week and will post the recipe.
I realized that I never shared any of the 'fili' (threads) with you and I loved so much these embroideries that here is one !
OK OK when I wrote this post I was very tired and didn't explain myself well...: this is some wonderful work of art of neapolitan nuns ( Clarisse ) made in the beginning of the 1800 that maybe I'll have the chance to restore for an exibition that will be in July. I think that if I was able to embroider so well ....I'll put you some more photographs so you will see why they need me !This is a Dalmatica (I forgot the name in English)
And this is a detail of its sleeve if you look closely you notice that the textile is very fragile and has been roughly sawn together with an horrible cross stitch !