The new Bread Baking Day theme is springy and pic-nic inspired. It is hosted by Cinzia of
Cindystar a great and expert Italian blogger.
As we were all waiting for strawberries I decided to bake some strawberry muffins and I found a great recipe
here , I halved the recipe and that was it .
Thank you Cinzia and happy Spring !
Grazie mille, cara!
Ma non dovevi dividere la dose, semmai raddoppiarla... siamo in tanti al pic-nic!
Buonissimo w.e. lungooooooo!
Cindy is lovely - and your breads look great, too!
Strawberry muffins sound wonderful!
These really call out SPRING to me and outings with picnics. Great choice Natalia
What could be better for a Spring picnic than strawberry muffins? Delicious! I'll bet that half batch disappeared in a hurry (look at those little hands reaching for them!)
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