Wednesday, August 11, 2010

TWD : Chocolate Ganache Ice Cream

This week it was Katrina of Baking and Boys who chose the recipe and what recipe ! I made the ice cream with a bittersweet chocolate , bad-motherly, and it was divine !
I own an ice cream maker so everything was quite easy to put together, to smooth the ganache I used the tip of a pastry chef and used an immersion blender immersing it all the way without letting any air going in, it works very well.
I hope you are going to try this recipe you can find it here and if you wish to see more ice creams please visit the rest of the group !


Heather said...

Your chocolate icecream looks delicious and cool - I could do with some now as it's even hot with my air conditioner on here in NY.

Valerie Gamine said...

I love that you went with the bittersweet chocolat! :D
Your ice cream looks rich and sinful...perfect.

Katrina said...

Good stuff!
Thanks for churning along with me this week!

Dewi said...

Must tastes like none other. Sounds delicious Natalia!

TeaLady said...

This was great ice cream. Looks cool and delicious in the cup.

Pamela said...

Looks perfect in that little cup, too!

Giulia Pignatelli said...

bello il tuo blog mia cara e questo gelato sembra godurioso!!! Molto gentilmente scrivi che se qualcuno ha bisogno tradurrai le ricette... non ce n'è bisogno, ti conviene inserire gogle translate per delle traduzioni in tempo di record ;)
Per caricarlo vai su un blog qualunque (magari sul mio) e cliccaci sopra, così potrai inserirlo sul tuo blog. baci

Giulia Pignatelli said...

si, è vero, ce l'hai google translate, che risate ;)))

Jennifer said...

This was delicious! Hope you are doing well!

The Blonde Duck said...

Have a magical Monday!

Kayte said...

Running a tad behind with this one as I just made and served it yesterday, to the cheers of my family as they loved it. May post, may not, just happy that I got it made. Yours looks very lovely in that teacup, I would love to sit down to anything served in a teacup, it's just such fun.

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy Thursday!

Sonia Monagheddu said...

Tante tante ricette da leccarsi i baffi. Complimenti, hai una sostenitrice in più ;)

Couscous & Consciousness said...

Natalia, I love making my own ice cream - this one looks just perfect. I am going to try this one for sure.

Roz said...

Nice to see that someone likes Siamese cats just as I do! I've got one female named "Coco" and she's a joy! Love this ice cream; I've saved the recipe to make! After all, one can never have enough chocolate. I'm so glad you and i are following each other. You have magnificent posts, photos and links! Roz