Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ecco i gatti ! ( & co.)



As stated in my profile I am what in Rome is called a gattara, (usually an old lady feeding cats in the streets) well it's not really true, I've done it, but mostly I picked up many kittens from the street and then kept them with me. Now we have four cats (two black and shy).
Calvin is the patriarch : he is fifteen years old and I found it on top of a garbage mound and he has been a great cat since that day ( he was the best baby sitter for my kids ).
Cagliostro is the youngest of the group he is still two years old and of course very playful ! Not to mention that he loves to sit in front of the pc screen while I write, like now !

Carlo saw this post and said: why is Anita in your blog and not me ? So ...

Anita :

Next question: why is Anita there twice ?........


enza said...

non fa na piega.
questa non potevo certo sciverla in inglese!

Spadino said...

Sono i tuoi figli??
Non mi hai ancora chiarito perchè il blog è in inglese!

Marthe said...

Ciao Natalia!
You have lovely cats and your kids are sooo cute!!

Clumbsy Cookie said...

Ciao! First time visiting here! Lovely cats and kids! And very nice recipes too!

Ivy said...

Natalia, dove e la farina? Vedo gli gatti e fili :)

Your kids and cats are adorable. I have a Siamese cat as well.